Youngsters Committee
We facilitate delivery of theatre to young Austinites who lack access and support the cultural lives of all Austin children by encouraging their families and educators (through consolidated marketing) to provide live theatre experiences.
Jose Lozano
Minerva Villa
Luis Ordaz Gutiérrez* (Proyecto Teatro)
Ann Ciccolela* (Austin Shakespeare)
Caylyn Schaefer (theatre educator)
Roxanne Schroeder-Arce (UT & Teatro Vivo)
Nat Miller (ZACH)
Judy Matetzschk-Campbell (Pollyanna)
Caroline Reck (Glass Half Full)
and dozens more (to be added by Monday)
Key Results:
Parents & Educators get up-to-date, consolidated theatre-going information on the Youngsters web pages (collaborate w/ Communicators + affiliates).
We maintain and share a robust database of educators to facilitate communication.
We form relationships with teachers through in-person TeachersNightOut events (collaborating with Accessibility to provide comp tickets to teachers), inviting teachers to Mixers, networking at educator events/conferences, collaborate w/ MindPop…
We communicate via email (and possibly snail mail) w/ teachers & administrators to entice them to bring theatre into classrooms or take their students on theatre field trips.
We connect sponsors to schools without access to programming — either through pass-through contribution or directly (connecting the sponsor to the theatre company).
We execute the 10-year Youngsters plan with data tracking & reporting.
We make space for brainstorming, community, and efficient collaboration of TYA affiliate companies & artists through monthly meetings.
Ongoing/Needs Attention
Needs Attention
Not Started
Needs Attention
Not Started
Needs attention
Ongoing/Needs Attention