The ATX Theatre People’s Resource Guide for Film & Television
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ATX Theatre Begins to Bridge
the Gap Between the Theatre
and TV/Film Industries
ATX Theatre hosted an actor showcase on June 22, 2024 in front of casting directors, agents, and a sold-out public audience. Thirty Austin actors reprised the auditions they brought to our 2nd annual Citywides three weeks earlier for NAILED IT: Highlights from the ATX Theatre Citywide Auditions.
In a snappy 75-minute show, brief song selections punctuated the series of audition monologues. Before and after the show, the gallery bar area of Sterling Stage Austin, our city's newest theatre venue, was hopping with new friendships and industry interest.
Casting Director Ashley Guaragna, who specializes in indie narrative films, told ATX Theatre, “It was a lovely way for me to see fresh faces and I think it's a great opportunity for the actors.”
Casting Director Sally Allen of Brock Allen Casting, currently casting The Chosen, brought Kendall Brashear (who worked with Clark + Geier on Walker) with her to the showcase, as well as Taylor and Anna Brock.
Rebecca Clinton of Beaz Talent wrote, “This would be great every year so I can scout actors for representation.”
Angela Bennett of Bennet Connection and Lydia Blanco Garza of The Blanco Agency also attended. Garza wrote, “I love that you chose the top performers to showcase to us!” (The thirty were chosen by the fifty theatre producers who attended the Citywide Auditions — 193 total auditioners signed up for the Citywides this year.)
Audience member Skylar Korgel had this to say about the evening, “It helps the theatregoing audience get acquainted early with rising local talents that we are sure to see in productions across town in the coming months and years. It also gives us industry outsiders a glimpse into what an audition scenario looks like from both the actor and casting perspectives. It's also a great opportunity to bring the ATX Theatre community together... many of the most engaged people in the ecosystem you've facilitated for us are in one place!”
This event centered local actor excellence and challenged the backwards idea that it’s okay to ask actors to pay to audition. Turning that idea on its head, ATX Theatre Founding Executive Director Sharron Anderson and Board Treasurer Cecelia Gay concocted this event to engage people who can provide actors with access to work, involve a curious public audience in a ticketed show format, and (as an act of defiance against the old ways) compensate the actors for their time and talents.
“ATX Theatre's work consists mostly of building community and consolidating access to information — both of which, of course, happened at this event — but the facet of our work that delights me most is challenging the ‘We have to do it this way because it’s always been done this way’ mentality,” Anderson mused. Having worked as both a casting director and actor for stage and screen in New York and Austin, Anderson has seen actors demeaned or taken advantage of for profit too many times.
“Having been on both sides of the table, it always rubbed me the wrong way to witness inconsiderate treatment of the actors we rely on for the success of every show, film, and episode.” Anderson went on to say, “This showcase and the Citywide Auditions are the first steps in a long-range plan to promote more equitable access to audition opportunities and to engage with theatre’s sister industry [television/film] directly on a local level.”
After the pre-show speed-through for the showcase, Anderson proclaimed, “Today, THE ACTORS are in charge. This is YOUR show,” eliciting cheers from the company of united, empowered auditioners.
Recently transplanted actor Peter Shine wrote this feedback after the show: “This kind of event is a rare opportunity for an actor to showcase their talents to industry professionals. It is also an opportunity to connect with other actors. As a newcomer to Austin, it was incredibly valuable to speak with my peers — something I don't very much get the opportunity to do. There is a sense of being a part of a larger community, rather than being adrift as a lone performer trying to find work.”
Speaking of treasured community, ATX Theatre sends big thanks the actors (Adriane, Alyssa, Annie, Arielle, Bailey, Ceasar, Chelsea, Emily, Erin, Jacob, Jennifer, Jocelyn, Jordan, Kat, Kenzie, Keyshaan, Kristen, Lyndsay, Peter, Ralph, Ryan, Sarah, Sherris, Sibonelo, Susan, Susannah, Sydney, Tatyana, Toluwani, and Vivienne) and to the volunteers who ran this event: Mary Alice Carnes, Martha Chang, and Minerva Villa (who is responsible for these photos). Thanks to Sterling Stage Austin for sweeping up for us between venue improvements. And thanks to all who purchased tickets to the event to support the ongoing work of ATX Theatre.
We hope to make this event an annual one! If you'd like to support this project, please contribute here! Thank you for caring about Austin arts workers!
Sister Industries
Much crosses over between the sister industries of live theatre and film production. They've always shared actors, designers, and casting directors — plus, playwrights often end up writing screenplays. In addition, theatres climbed the live-streaming/recorded production learning curve during the pandemic, and many will retain some incarnation of a digital platform going forward. Theatre directors attempted to add video editing, cinematography, continuity, adapting scripts for screen, etc. into their skill sets (and realized that making movies is HARD). In spite of all these commonalities, organizations that support film often don’t pay much attention to theatre and vice versa! We want to change that. Though ATX Theatre focuses exclusively on live theatre/theatre workers/the audiences who love them, we honor our artist members who cross between the two industries daily. We hope to contribute to their prosperity and growth here by increasing knowledge, communication, and community between the two industries. ​
Links to Resources
Cast & Crew:
Central Texas Film Makers | Groups | Facebook - job postings of all kinds in a wide radius around Austin
Austin Filmmakers | Groups | Facebook - more of an open space to post questions, find resources, and possibly connect to a project
Texas PAID Crew and Casting Calls | Facebook - commercial, feature, and shorts opportunities posted here
Texas Crew and Casting Calls | Groups | Facebook - commercial, feature, and shorts opportunities posted here
Texas Paid Cast and Crew Calls | Groups | Facebook - commercial, feature, and shorts opportunities posted here
Job Hotline | Texas Film Commission | Office of the Texas Governor | Greg Abbott - good for seeing indie project postings
Cast Only (or mostly):
Austin Film Casting | Groups | Facebook - This is the link for the Dan Eggleston page and how to subscribe to his email list. There are different ones for different areas in Texas. Mainly acting stuff but there's also a lot of crew stuff and extra work. His email updates are useful.
ATX Principal Actors | Groups | Facebook
Austin Actors Group | Groups | Facebook
Texas Actors | Groups | Facebook
Central TX Actors | Groups | Facebook
Crew Only:
Austin Film Commission - helpful to get a small sense of what’s happening in Austin film-wise
ProductionHUB | Find Film and Video Professionals - limited access without a paid subscription but allows unpaid users to see postings, and subscribers to list themselves under each category
To add a link to resources — or to transmit a job opportunity to our membership, please email us. Thank you!